What is “This is Key West Calling” anyway? “This Is Key West Calling” is an MOTM week event, focusing on live radio with live music performances and interviews with Trop Rock artists.
The event itself will run on MOTM week, Sunday, November 4th, 2018 from 11 am to 4 pm at Sunset Tiki here in Key West. The main purpose of this is to encourage the growth of the Trop Rock music genre. That is the goal first and foremost. Having a lot of fun is the modus-oparendi of making it happen!!!
How will this be done? To start with, we currently have six Trop Rock radio stations working together, broadcasting the event on each of their stations, live simultaneously. Additionally, Digital Publishing will be running a live video stream! To our knowledge, there have never been six radio stations working together on the same broadcast. Because of this, we will have several press releases throughout the year prior to the event.
The idea came about, interestingly enough, through of all things, the beer industry! In 1980 there were about 200 breweries in the United States. Today there are over 6000, the vast majority of which came about in the last ten years. As a beer enthusiast for over four decades and a bar owner, I saw that the new micro-brew/craft was approaching their industry in both A ) doing something they were completely unconscious of and B ) doing a marketing strategy that was entirely revolutionary.

What was happening was the reps from say three different breweries, let's call them 1, 2, and 3, would meet at a bar and start talking about their favorite beers. Then, by happenstance and the typical atmosphere in bars in general, they would start talking beer with the other patrons of the bar. Next thing you know, the rep from brewery 1 is telling the patrons what a fabulous beer brewery 3 has, while brewery 2 rep is telling someone else what a great beer brewery 1 has. This wasn't by design. This was just the enthusiasm and passion they had for the product itself. This wasn't Bud and Miller beating themselves over the head. This was an industry working together and what it did was raise the industry as a whole. The consumer loved the product and the attitude. The result has been remarkable!

With that in mind, the event “This Is Key West Calling” a similar approach, is being taken. In this case, it's Trop Rock radio stations all working together in the spirit of growth of the Trop Rock genre.
We currently have six Trop Rock stations on board who will be carrying the event live, along with the live video feed from Digital Publishing! The Shore Radio will also have a video feed, possibly tied in with Digital Publishing. Stations that can't be there will broadcast the feed live! In addition, there will be several other stations/shows that will be associate endorsers who cannot broadcast the event live, however, they will be backing “This Is Key West Calling” with interviews leading up to the event, as well as re-broadcasting interviews and performances in the weeks and months following the event.
Thus far, the format has not entirely been settled on. We would like to have known Trop Rock musical acts and possibly up and comings. However, the latter has yet to be decided, as we hope to have interviews as well. At this point, we haven't reached out to the Trop Rock musical artist community. Having said that, it's a marvelous opportunity for any artist to play! They would be broadcast on not one, but six stations live! Plus, interviews leading up to the event, and subsequent re-broadcasts on both the six stations carrying the event and the associate endorsing stations, not forgetting the Digital Publishing video! It's a marvelous opportunity!
The stations on board at this time are Tiki Man Radio, Radio Trop Rock, 104.9 The X, The Shore, The Tiki Pod Radio, and Beach Bar Radio.
Associate Endorsing stations/shows are Island Time Radio, Songwriters Island, and Beachfront Radio!
The choice of stations has been easy. The thing about Trop Rock is that the entire attitude promotes good tidings and a positive outlook on life, which all of the above do exceptionally well! If I have missed a station that fits into this category, please let me know! We'd be happy to have them aboard!
Mind you, we don't want a station who plays poorly recorded material, or gives the genre a black eye from time to time. However, as I say, any station who falls into the true Trop Rock ethics, quality music, and a beach attitude, we'd love to have them join us!
Time and Location:
“This Is Key West Calling” will be held at the stunning Sunset Tiki Bar at The Galleon Resort 619 Front St. The event will be held on Sunday, November 4th, 2018 from 11 am – 4 pm.
The first press release for “This Is Key West Calling” is expected in early April. Updates will be posted on Facebook as well as here.
Thank you for reading my blog!
Please check out my book "Time Traveler - The Oddities and Adventures of a Key West Bartender". Follow Mark Straight's continuing journies and friendships from current Key West, back to historical Key West and elsewhere!
Order paperback or download here! Paperback comes with a free download!
What people are saying about Time Traveler:
By Renn Ho'Aloha Loren March 22, 2018
Key West Chris Rehm is the epitome of the town which he so obviously loves and knows so well.
Rehm is also a published songwriter and singer of songs.
On any given day or evening he can be seen somewhere around Key West performing with his partner singer-songwriter Dani Hoy in their band The Shanty Hounds, in addition to being an author and a bar owner. Moreover, his knowledge and love of his tropical island village are significant highlights of this highly entertaining, informative, and thought-provoking book.
As a friend, I am doubly surprised to feel that I am reading the work of a classic author and not someone I know so well. However, that is Chris's talent.
The characters are alluring and well-developed -- one gets to feel like Mark Straight, Glades, and Blackheart are friends that one has known for years.
The descriptions and informative narrative asides paint such vividly detailed and enlightening pictures that one is transported to the many street scenes, clubs, and sights of Key West past and present. There is a strong sense of the effects of the passage of time and readers will wistfully imagine the lives of the hamlet's previous inhabitants while being curious as to where the protagonist will end up next. Where does it all lead? Who is this Arthur character and why does he know so much about time travel? How will Mark manage his temporally-challenged relationship with Glades? Rehm even draws Hemmingway into the story in such a way that one can feel the man's presence.
As educational as it is entertaining, Time Traveler is a compelling read for anyone who is curious about,plus, has a love for or a history with Key West.
Pick up a copy and then try to put it down!