I saw someone from out of town post on Facebook, saying that the music scene in Key West is back where it used to be prior to the pandemic.
I wish they were right! 🙏
However, the fact is, the music scene in Key West is under recovery and is a work in progress.
However, the fact is, the music scene in Key West is under recovery and is a work in progress.
Like everything else, the music scene
in Key West is picking up the pieces and it is not up to speed as of yet. Having said
that, everyone is working on it!
We play at Rick's every Tuesday 12 to
4. As there are no cruise ships now, they were kind enough to put us
on 3 – 7. Thank you, Rick's!
Another venue usually has us on their
early shift on Fridays and Sundays. They usually have four shifts,
but now have three and are rotating their usual acts. I'm really
pleased to say that we played there this week and drew a great crowd!
That's one of our strong points. Thanks to all who stopped by!
Our private gig at the Curry Mansion is
back on.
The Sunday evening gig we do is not on the schedule as of yet, but the establishment is rotating the musicians. Last week
we had no gigs there, but the week before we had two.
Sloppy Joe's and Blue Heaven have not
yet reopened. Lucy's, The Loose Cannon, and The Salty Angler have
tragically closed. Turtle Kraals is reported to be having new ownership from The CommodoreBoathouse, however this hasn't been finalized, so I haven't heard what date they'll be opening? Other places have opened, but do not have live music as of yet, The Green Parrot being the most noteworthy.
Tony Baltimore Durante
Some establishments are closing earlier
and many are reducing pay to musicians. To date, I have not heard one
musician complain about this. It's a tough time for all and we're
working together.
Most establishments usually book a
month in advance. With an exception here or there, right now most
places are booking weekly, some a day or two in advance. We had one
instance where the owner called us and said “Hey! I have a full
restaurant! Can you come down and play?” We were there in 15
Tony Roberts
Tony Roberts
Point being, there is a lot of
uncertainty when traversing the unknown, but everyone is working in
the same direction. I consider it an honor to be a part of this
The way I see it, it's in a total of
two stages.
Crawl before you can walk
Walk before you can run
I'd say we are at the point of approaching the walking stage.
An important note: If you are coming to Key West, there IS live music!\
Some may not open quite as early, while others may not be open as late.
However live music is around town.
The Shanty Hounds at Willie T's
Here are some venues open and featuring live music:
Rick's, Two Friends, Willie T's, Smokin' Tuna, Island Dogs, Schooner Wharf, Irish Kevin's, The Hog's Breath, The Tipsy Rooster. Sunset Pier, (Hogs Breath specify locals only. I believe that may be the case with everyone at this time). Sunset Tiki is shooting for the beginning of July.
There may be others that I haven't heard about, if so, please let me know with an e-mail at chrismusicnow@gmail.com so I can update this listing. Thanks!
An important note: If you are coming to Key West, there IS live music!\
Some may not open quite as early, while others may not be open as late.
However live music is around town.
The Shanty Hounds at Willie T's
Here are some venues open and featuring live music:
Rick's, Two Friends, Willie T's, Smokin' Tuna, Island Dogs, Schooner Wharf, Irish Kevin's, The Hog's Breath, The Tipsy Rooster. Sunset Pier, (Hogs Breath specify locals only. I believe that may be the case with everyone at this time). Sunset Tiki is shooting for the beginning of July.
There may be others that I haven't heard about, if so, please let me know with an e-mail at chrismusicnow@gmail.com so I can update this listing. Thanks!
If you have any questions regarding the
Monroe County (Florida Keys) guidelines, you will find them at this
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The Ark of Music
Stereo Stickman
Sleeping Bag Studios
Indie Band Guru
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The Shanty Hounds! UNLEASHED!

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and Marooned in Key West (things could be worse)"
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