Key West Music at the Moment
The Corona 19 virus has certainly tossed a monkey wrench into the works, no matter where you are, there's no doubt about that. As you'll see, Key West is no different.
Here in the Florida Keys, between March 17 and June 1st, when no one from outside the Keys were allowed in, Monroe County (the Dry Tortugas through Key Largo) had a total of less than 100 COVID 19 cases. (I think the number was 84?) On June 1st the blockade was opened and today, two months and a week later after the blockade was taken down, there are 1,438 cases and 13 deaths.
The formal MOTM was been canceled months ago due largely to a lack of reservations. However, many have talked about coming regardless. We who live here, welcome you!
Both Monroe County and the City of Key West have taken measures to insure the safety of all, both locals and visitors.
As it stands right now here are some the rules currently in Key West:
If you leave your place of residence, be it a home, a hotel, motel, a B& B, Guest House, a boat, or any other place you may be staying, you must be wearing a mask, a shield, or a buff. Walking down any street in Key West without one a violator is subject to a $250 - $500 fine and two months in jail. Repeat, walking down any street without a mask, shield, or a buff one is subject to a $250 - $500 fine and two months in jail.
Restaurants require the patron to be wearing a mask or a buff upon entry. Anyone not wearing a mask will be not allowed entry.
Restaurants also will take patrons temperature via non contact thermometers. If the patron is running a fever, they will not be allowed entry. Masks/buffs may be taken off while seated at a table. However, when standing up from the table masks and buffs must be worn.
Musical Performers must ether:
A) wear a mask
B) If the venue has a Plexiglas screen in front of the stage, this is acceptable and no mask is required. If the stage is 10 ft. away from the nearest table, no mask/buff is required.
Stand alone bars have been closed
Bars at restaurants are open only to servers waiting on tables. No patrons will be served at the bar. In order to be served alcohol, patrons must be seated at a table. Per state regulations, restaurants themselves must legally show at least 51% food to 49% alcohol total sales. I don't know how or if this effects the consumer's bill?
At the moment venues are closing at 11 PM
Of the places that are offering live music, most are hiring locals only.
These are some of the current rules and situations in Key West. There are surely more that I am not familiar with?
Rules are subject to change on a minute-by-minute basis and in this town. What I post now could change in an hour. I've been thinking of making a score card in order to keep up with everything. 😄I've also suggested that Key West City Hall set up a phone app for updates. 😜 Things could change at the drop of a hat. With this COVIT 19 situation, they usually do. I'll be posting updates as they go down... or come up.
Again, be advised that things change in a moment's notice, so who knows what will be the case come November