Trop Rock Strong and Key West Rules of Engagement 😃
As Key West residents we look forward to those attending the Trop Rock Strong “Under the Radar” event! I say under the radar as this is not a recognized Key West “Event”, as all events have been cancelled for the year.
As of Wednesday, September 16th, the guidelines have been modified. This Blog is to give advance notice to those heading here so that you know what you're dealing with, both new and already established. No one needs a surprise. The current regulations are in effect for sixty days, so unless some unforeseen things take place, namely a spike in COVID 19 cases, this is what is scheduled during Trop Rock Strong.
It must also be stressed that Monroe County, which is The Florida Keys: The Dry Totugas extending through the archipelago through Key Largo, which includes Key West, obviously, have set the rules that hold for the entire county. The City of Key West has augmented some of the County regulations.
Here are some prevalent issues that pertain:
In Key West, officials require all persons age six and older, when outside their residence/lodging room, to carry a facial covering, capable of immediate use. Masks must be worn outdoors, however, if social distancing of six feet cannot be maintained. This updated emergency ordinance is in place Sept. 16, 2020, for 60 days.
In a nutshell, it means that if you're walking down a street and are alone with no one else around, you don't need to wear a mask, or buff any longer.
However, in passing one or more people within six feet (Social Distancing), you need to put your mask, or buff on.
A mask, or a buff must cover both your mouth and nose.
Throughout the Florida Keys, officials are requiring facial coverings to be worn in business establishments and other public settings, including an outdoor tiki restaurant/bar. They are also required to be worn outdoors in the Florida Keys when social distancing of six feet or more is not possible.
It means that if you enter any kind of business, be it a bar, a restaurant, a T-shirt shop, an art gallery, an ice cream shop....any kind of business at all.... You must wear a mask, or buff when you enter the establishment.
Restaurants and food establishments are operating at 50 percent indoor capacity, with appropriate social distancing and a minimum of 6 feet separating parties. Masks/facial coverings are required to be worn entering and exiting an indoor establishment. Restaurant patrons can remove their masks only while seated and eating or drinking.
It means that as a patron the only time you don't wear a mask, or a buff in a restaurant, or a bar, is when you're sitting at a table or the bar.
You need a mask, or a buff when entering a bar or restaurant, leaving a bar or restaurant, using the facilities..Again, if you get up from your table or, seat at the bar, YOU NEED A MASK, OR A BUFF.
NOTE: Not in yesterday's vote, but in effect since September 1st, If you are seated at a bar in a restaurant, you must order food. UPDATE NOTE: THIS ORDER IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT.
It goes without saying, Key West is a fabulous place to play music! A key factor for this is the incredible array of talent that works here day in, day out, year 'round!
One needs to take into account that these performers, the ones who, along with the venues, keep the live music scene chugging along non-stop, had their means of income dissolved on March 17th.
Also, please consider that when an event such as MOTM, or the Songwriters Festival come to town, the non-local performers are putting the local performers, the ones who are here for the establishments all year long, out of work.
With this in mind, almost all of the venues in Key West are currently only hiring local talent.
Under the 2020 pandemic calamity, I'm sure everyone reading this would both understand and agree.
However, there will be a few scattered events about town. For performers, here are the basic rules:
Essentially, you'll only be dealing with one of two scenarios. Both of these scenarios are based on how the hosting venue is set up. These are City of Key West regulations, not that of the County, or the venue.
A performer must be either shielded by a Plexiglas window that the venue has installed, which separates the performer from the audience, or wear a mask or, a buff. You cannot play without one or the other of these in place.
Again, masks and buffs must cover both your nose and mouth when worn.
Front view of the Plexiglas screen at Two Friends Patio Restaurant
Two Friends was the first restaurant to use Plexiglas in Key West
Side view of the Plexiglas screen at Two Friends Patio Restaurant
Please understand, this is much more than an inconvenience to the performer. A performer is part of the staff of the venue and subject to the same rules as the rest of the entire staff. Actually, the City of Key West has specifically focused on live musical performers with specific guidelines, with severe penalties for infractions, levied on the establishments themselves.
Let's take a quick look and say there are three performers playing at an event and the first performer decides to play without a mask.
The Bar/Restaurant will be cited and closed for one week.
Let's say the next performer does the same thing.
The Bar/Restaurant will be cited and closed for one month.
Then the third performer doesn't go with the mask...
The Bar/Restaurant will be cited and closed for two months.
Current establishments with Plexiglas screens are:
Two Friends Patio Restaurant.
Schooner Wharf
Rick's, Key West
Hog's Breath
There could be others that I am not familiar with?
Note: It does not make a difference if the venue is inside, or outside.
Examples: Two Friends Patio Restaurant and Rick's are inside, Schooner Wharf and The Hogs Breath are outside.
Some organizations, such as Conch Republic Seafood, have stopped having all live music, since July and have cancelled everything for the foreseeable future. In my conversation with them three days ago, they didn't mention when, or if a new live music date has been established, although they have decided that there would be no live music during the week of Trop Rock Strong.
Sunset Sails fall under the same regulations as restaurants and bars.
Sabago Watersports: "All crew and office personnel are required to wear face coverings when/where appropriate"
Sunset Watersports "Crew will wear face buffs at all times"
- These rules are in effect for the next sixty days. This Blog is not a debate.This is just to give a heads up as to what the ground rules are. If you feel you'd like to debate, or applaud, please go to:
The Fun News!
The Shanty Hounds will be hosting an Open Mic for those from out of town who could not get gigs. but would like to play in Key West! Sunday, November 1st. From 5 - ??? More information as this develops!
HEY!!! HEY!!!
If you need a stylish mask with an authentic Key West Groove, we have them!
Here is our dapper model of the day, John Tiersch sporting his "Shanty Hounds Virus Muzzle" at the bar at Two Friends Patio Restaurant! $20 by mail, $15 at the gig.
Show your fine style and classic taste! Be the first one on your block to get one! 😉😁👍👍
And here's the stylish and beautiful Natalie Pairmount, with her son DJ wearing her new Shanty Hounds Virus Muzzle, also at Two Friends Patio Restaurant!