Key West Accommodations
It's funny, in a curious way. This has been going on with me for my entire time, thirteen years, in Key West. If you were to ask me what bars I like best in Key West, no problem. The same is true with restaurants. My favorite beach and how to get there? I can help you! Sunset sails? Indeed!
What hotel can I suggest?
Buckle your seat belts.
I really don't have any clue whatsoever.
Stop and think about it, for a second, if you will? I'm a local. Locals live in houses, condos, apartments, rooms, boats, cars/vans, or like us, a town house. We don't stay in hotels. When Dani and I go on vacation, we go to Key Largo. Ask me where to stay in Key Largo and why, no problem! Where to stay in Key West? Damned if I know.
Here's our Townhouse/Clownhouse, “The Conch Rock Clownhouse”
This year is a little bit different however. We're talking virtually post pandemic restrictions, to start with.
In February Key West was the #1 tourist destination in the U.S.
That needs to be repeated: In February Key West was the #1 tourist destination in the U.S.
Cruises were not sailing. Leaving the country was not an option. However, it was February and Key West was warm, sunny, and an ideal destination for all who were sequestered for the previous twelve months.
In May, Key West was ranked the #5 most popular tourist destination. Pretty good for a 1 ½ X 4 mile island.
The subject started getting some attention locally, as business is booming and there's no end in sight.
(Check my previous blog for more: ).
So, here we are today, heading into what was once known as “the slow season”, the summer, and hotels are booked 80% - 100%. As I say, the subject is now “The Buzz” and a popular subject around town.
The common word on the street is that most hotels are $1,000.00 - $1,300.00 a night. One hotel is said to be an economic $675 a night. Again, hearsay.
The Key West Film Festival, November 17 – 21st, organizers (who are not from here) are said to be looking at Stock Island for accommodations, as hotel rates in Key West are substantially higher than previous years. I don't know what Stock Island are going for?
I was speaking to a group of four, on their vacation from Texas, during a break at a gig and they told me they rented a house for a month, which was cheaper than a hotel. (Be advised that most house rentals are for the month, not by the week, for obvious reasons. This is a city ordinance, from what I'm told).
Again, I'm only talking hearsay. This is the word on the street, literally. Myself, I have music to write, books to write, gigs to play, and this blog, when I have time. I'm certainly not on a computer checking hotel rates that I'm not going to anyway. As the aforementioned suggests, I've got other fish to fry. Please be advised, there could be many things I don't know about.
However, one thing I can say is that everything I'm hearing and seeing is that hotels, restaurants, bars, and retail stores are reporting that right now that they are 30% - 40% higher than they were this time of year in pre-pandemic 2019. Understand that with those percentages, it most likely means this is the highest they've ever been. While that may be a guess, I'd say the odds are dead on.
However, if you're thinking of coming to Key West, I suggest you might consider checking with a professional, such as Jackie Columb Tiani, who is with Key West Finest, at:
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Please check out my newest book!
"Time Traveler II - The Further Adventures of a Time Traveling Key West Bartender"
Available at Amazon!
Also! My latest music release, "Trimaran" is now available through Amazon at only:
for the download!
All The Best From Key West! Released in December, 2019, to rave reviews!
Only $5.94 for the download