Within the last week I was on a Facebook page that was set up for visitors coming to Key West. Specifically, it was set up for them to ask pertinent questions about visiting here. Where to go, what to do, what not to miss.. etc. It's a great concept!
On this particular day this guy from Buffalo comes on and says he's planning on moving here and had recently visited.
He started off saying that the places he went were all understaffed and that all the workers here are lazy, not working, and are just sitting around collecting unemployment checks.
What an uninformed pompous ass. Here was a clear case of someone who doesn't know which end is up, or candidly, his ass from his elbow.
The unemployment rate in Key West is 3.2%. And about the same throughout the Florida Keys.
Within a few days a local was saying the same thing “People just don't want to work. They sit around and would rather collect unemployment checks”.
Who put the idea in these jackass's heads?
Seriously, I'd like to know?
Again, the unemployment rate in Key West is 3.2%.
Being a musician, I work with those in the service industry. Bartenders, servers, cooks, deckhands and captains, you name it. I've been doing this for the thirteen years that I've lived in Key West.
Bartender at Two Friends, Fabiola, absolutely loves what she does!
These are the people in this town that make this town go. Believe me, I've seen these people perform and I'm usually awestruck. The deckhands and captains we work with on Sebago are on the boats at 7am, prepping them for water activities throughout the day. They finish off with the sunset sails that Dani and I are playing on. When they leave at the end of the night, they've cleaned and prepped the boat so it's ready to go for the next morning and it's about 9:30 pm. In layman's terms, that's 14 and ½ hours.
During those 14 ½ hours they've taught people how to snorkel, save someone's life, served snacks and meals, performed duties on the boat itself. The list goes on. And guess what? At the end of the day, they still find it easy to have a laugh and a smile. I can't tell you how much admiration and respect I have for these people. They are truly extraordinary!
To the pompous asses who said the workers in Key West are lazy, I won't hold back. Those individuals is just ignorant idiots. And yes, I edited the first description I had for them, which was far more colorful.
Who put those moronic ideas in their heads to begin with? Where did they get them?
Stop and think about it. In COVID a lot of people lost their jobs. Apartment rentals here start at $2Gs a month and faced with little, or no income, many left the Keys. So, hypothetically speaking, if 1,000 jobs are available, there are 750 here to fill them.
I recall two restaurants opening earlier in the year and they had an open house job fairs.
No one showed up.
“People in Key West are lazy and they don't want to work. They just want to collect unemployment”
Sorry Jackass, Where did you get that woefully ignorant idea? They couldn't afford to live here anymore and regretfully left town last year. Our unemployment is only 3.2%. Virtually everyone here is working and working very hard, I will add.
These crews are just incredible!
As I say, I also work in bars and restaurants. Last year was of course a write off. However, in 2019 we played 366 gigs and in 2018 we played 320. This year we're back on the 300+ schedule. The point here being we see a lot of what goes on in restaurants and bars. If I wrote a thesis on it, I'd have a doctorate.
These people bust their ass. These are high hustle jobs. There's no time for a break. The definition of a break is a stop at the coffee pot, take five breaths, and they're off like a dragster again. Many have three jobs.
The kitchens are always alive! In there it's a constant battle with the A/C and exhaust fans versus the ovens and stoves. It's 85+ degrees and if the A/C, or fans break down, it's 100+. It's always hot, just a matter of how hot. That doesn't stop them, however. There's job to be done and they get it done.
As I said, it's no secret that Key West is expensive to live in. It doesn't matter what one does for a living, apartment rentals start at about $2000 a month. With this in mind, there's no surprise why many in the service industry work two and three jobs, or work fourteen and a half hour shifts.
Additionally, they come from everywhere. Some may be from Atlanta, Tampa, NYC, Chicago, Philly, Maine, Arkansas, Portland, San Diego, St. Louis, or Dallas, while others might come from Serbia, Poland, Czech Rep, Ukraine. Look in almost any restaurant kitchen and you'll find folks from Haiti, Mexico and Central America.
All of these people are my heroes! I have the highest admiration and respect for every one of these people and I consider it an honor and a privilege to work with them!
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Also! My latest music release, "Trimaran" is now available through Amazon at only:
for the download!
Please check out my newest book!
"Time Traveler II - The Further Adventures of a Time Traveling Key West Bartender"
Available at Amazon!
All The Best From Key West! Released in December, 2019, to rave reviews!
Only $5.94 for the download