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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dani and Chris' After Party! "MOTM IS OVER AND I SURVIVED!"


One of the funny things about being a musician, is that times can be few and far between where you actually get to know other musicians. Sure, musicians may play together, and while that's a blast, when it's over, they usually scatter like ants. Most likely off to another gig, or perhaps a commitment elsewhere. 

So, consequently, between musicians it's usually at the beginning of the gig, it's "Hey! How are you doing? Great to see you!". Then, at the end of the gig it's "Oh! That was a blast! Lets do it again soon".  That's often pretty much it.

Another situation is one musician might like another's music that they've heard, but when one is playing here, the other is playing there.  How many times has a bar patron said to me "Oh! You know Bobbaly Gook! He plays all around town" Yet, either I've never seen Bobbaly Gook, or even more so, never heard of him because our schedules conflict.

As a result, often is the case that musicians never get to know one another. That's what the After Party is about! It allows everyone, musicians and supporters to hang out together!

Hell, about six years ago I played an open mic up in Islamorada at the Safari Lounge, where a bass player was host. Last year he was arrested for pulling a shotgun on a woman. Who expected that to happen? That is the radical exception to the rule, however. However, at the gig, I never got to know him.

We have MOTM coming to town shortly. The fact is, virtually everyone attending are fabulous people, both performers and attendees!

One of the most curious things that I see every year, with both musicians and attendees, is everyone rushing around, literally in a panic because they have to be a mile away in two minutes because they have to see, you guessed it, Bobbly Gook, playing at The Tequila Tree. Or perhaps play another gig.

Key West, "Laid Back"? Seriously? By the time they get home, they're completely winded and exhausted. Whereas the people who come the other fifty one weeks of the year are just.... chilling out and relaxing. Isn't that what Key West is supposed to be?



What is laid back is "Dani and Chris' 7th Annual After Party"! MOTM is over and we survived! Here, it's just hang out, shoot the breeze with fascinating people, chill, and laugh, have a few libations, eat fabulous food, just as we've done in previous years! Everyone is welcome! Musicians and supporters alike. That includes YOU!  😎 You're invited!  😉



Yours truly will be manning the BBQ with Keys pork*, Keys chicken*, and Conch Republic Jerk, 🔥

Steve Craigo (A.K.A. Steve Craig in the Time Traveler book series) will no doubt will be making his world renowned Kielbasa!  Cuban black beans and rice, from the kitchen. Plus, home made salsa with chips. A total Keys BBQ! 

Hoping to get Mark Straiton over as well? Mark was the inspiration for the lead figure, Mark Straight, in the Time Traveler series! We're looking forward to seeing you!



“I've met the most interesting people here that I've met since I moved to Key West!” Rusty Hodgdon - President of the Key West Writers Guild.


"If anyone here is not having fun, I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to leave!"

The Shanty Hounds creed and motto  






Time & Date: November 8, 2021 We say 5pm, but whenever you want to swing by late in the afternoon.

Location: Chris and Dani's Clownhouse... er.. Townhouse   130 C Peary Court, Key West.

Directions: 1) DO NOT USE GPS!!!  Take White Street to Southard St. but turn opposite of Southard!




This is the entrance to our section of Peary Court. At the empty guard house go left. Our set of townhouses are the first group on the left, Ours is up front on the far side. Please park on the street. BYOB




(Peary Court is divided into two sections that do NOT connect. GPS will take you to the Palm Avenue entrance. If you enter here you will drive around in circles until you die, never finding the party) 😧

* = The Keys BBQ is nothing like Memphis, Texas, Carolina, and Kansas City, BBQs, as good as they are. It unmistakably tastes like it comes from the Florida Keys!


Available on Amazon



                  Available wherever you get your music from. Search "Key West Chris"



                                    Available wherever you get your music from 


                   Available wherever you get your music from! Search "Dani Hoy"

               Video from the first After Party  "MOTM IS OVER AND I SURVIVED"


                                      LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Shanty Hounds Will Regretfully Not Be In Any Key West MOTM Events


                                                              Photo by Frances Nicolais

On a sad note, The Shanty Hounds will not be in any Key West MOTM events in 2021. We had been scheduled for The Tiki Man Radio Songwriters Showcase event for Saturday at 3:30. However, our bi-weekly gig at Two Friends Patio Restaurant, just switched us from Thursday to Saturday 12:30 - 3:30. Plus, our weekly Sebago sunset sails currently leave at 5:30 (we are there at 4:30 to set up)

Between Two Friends and Sebago we do 230 gigs a year, so they must take precedent.

So, it's with a very heavy heart that we had to cancel our appearance at The Tiki Man Radio Songwriters Showcase. We've been in every one and were very much looking forward to this year's event at Durty Harry's. I held an MOTM songwriter's event there in 2013 and it's a great facility! I guarantee that all who attend, either as a performer, or a fan, will have a blast!

We extend our deepest apologies to Brian Fields, Danny Lynn, Michelle Tafoya, and Heather Moss O'Shields for tossing this at them so late in the game. We LOVE you guys!


Ironically enough, our November schedule was just changed back to our former schedule. As our spot on the Tiki Man Songwriter's Showcase was already filled, I did not mention it to them. It's bad enough that we're bouncing around. 

The Good News.

On  Sunday, October 31st The Shanty Hounds will be playing for the Conchfish Nation's Reunion Opening Day's Registration! For those who do not know, Conchfish Nation is not a trop rock organization, nor a parrothead group, nor part of MOTM. This year their reunion falls during the same week. Conchfish Nation area group of people, literally, from all over the world, who love Key West.

 This is an offshoot of Key West's Finest. Key West Finest can book your lodgings, book sails, kayak tours, all kinds of things you'd love to do! Also, find out what's off Duval, as well as real estate advisory... you name it! They are the ideal professional contact to have in Key West!  THEY ARE FABULOUS!

Check them out!!!

                            "The Shanty Hounds - The busiest act in Trop Rock" 

  (320 gigs in 2018 in front of 188,000 fans. 366 gigs in 2019 in front of @216,000 fans)

                                                   Illustration by Dani Hoy

While we are not in any MOTM events, we still will have a busy schedule of our own, regardless! So swing by and check us out!

Saturday October 30 -  Two Friends Patio Restaurant 12:30 - 3:30

Saturday October 30 -  Sunset Sail aboard Sebago's Marquesa - 5:30 - 7:30

Sunday  October  31st.  -  Conchfish Nation Party  12:00 - 3:00

Monday November 1st  - Pitstop Party Boondocks on Ram Rod Key (Mile Marker 27.5) 11:30 - 12:30

Tuesday November 2  -   Rick's  12 Noon - 3:00 pm

Thursday November 4 -  Two Friends Patio Restaurant  11:00AM - 2:30 PM

Thursday November 4 - Southernmost Beach Cafe  5:00 - 8:00

Friday     November 5 - Sunset Sail aboard Sebago's Teralani II 5:30 - 7:30

Saturday November 6 - Sunset Sail aboard Sebago's Marquesa  5:30 - 7:30

Sunday November 7   - Two Friends Patio Restaurant 7:00 - 10:00 Special guest: Rudy Cox

Monday, November 8th  - The 6th Annual After Party hosted by Dani and Chris 4PM - ????

                                          At 130 C Peary Court, Key West.

                                         Use White Street ONLY 

                                         DO NOT USE GPS!  DO NOT USE GPS!  DO NOT USE GPS!

                                      GPS will send you to the other half of Peary Court. They DO NOT CONNECT

                                     Thank you for reading the Blog! We hope to see you about town!



                                                     Illustration by Dani Hoy


                                         Photograph by Key West Chris Rehm


Downloads run only $2.97 - $7.99  😲😲😲


"Time Traveler - The Oddities and Adventures of a Key West Bartender". The first of the series! 

Follow Mark Straight's continuing journey and friendships from current Key West, back to historical Key West and elsewhere!

 Order paperback or download here! Paperback comes with a free download!

 30 + Five-Star ratings!

Also! My latest music release, "Trimaran" is now available through Amazon at only: 


for the download!

Please check out my newest book! 

"Time Traveler II - The Further Adventures of a Time Traveling Key West Bartender"

Available at Amazon!

"BAR STORIES - A semi-fictional adventure-tour as witnessed from a bar stool"

Individual stories of things I've seen in bars over the years which are noteworthy... and in most cases, humorous! Read about The Jack Daniels Floor Cocktail, or Bar Cherry, or Kamikaze, The Cox That Rocks, Only In Key West... the list goes on!

All The Best From Key West! Released in December, 2019, to rave reviews! 

Only $5.94 for the download

The Ark of Music

Stereo Stickman

Sleeping Bag Studios

Indie Band Guru

Check out my website too!


Key West Chris Rehm  😃 🎸🎸📕📖📚