There is a very, very serious thing happening in Key West that is threatening both it's culture, traditions and community.
Strong statement?
Indeed it is. Additionally, this is not an exaggeration, not in the slightest.
Two weeks ago a well known, top notch Key West musician left the island and moved to North Carolina. We're not talking about a new arrival who has a guitar on their back and is playing on Smathers Beach sitting in the sand. We're talking about someone who is an A1+ musician and a cornerstone in the community. She's played regularly at Schooner Wharf, Two Friends, Blue Heaven, The Green Parrot, Virgilio's, the Casa Marina.. the list goes on.
As she didn't make any mention that I saw on social media as to why she left, I'll refrain from using her name. All I noticed was her saying that she was leaving.
The reason she left was not an uncommon one in 2022. Trust me, she didn't leave because she was tired of Key West and wanted to look at new horizons.
She left Key West because her lease on her home was up and the owner would not renew it.
Now, just a year or two ago, that wouldn't be an issue. You pull out Craig's List, or The Key West Citizen, and find a new place to live. No big deal, really.
However, today that's not the case. People changing their homes from local rental units into AirB&Bs has infested the island like ants, or The Birds.
The musician I mentioned is not alone. Another musician who is widely known, respected, and loved as the leader of his band, lets just call he and his band, "Uncle John's Band", has mentioned on social media, that it appears he will be leaving Key West, His lease is not being renewed and he can't find a place to live. Again, this is an A1+ musician and a fixture in the community.
About eight years ago, or so, I was running the music for the Artisan Market. A friend called me and said she had a friend who had just moved to town and could I fit him into the gig. No problem.
He played and play he did! This gentleman was top shelf quality and just a very nice guy to boot! He quickly became a highly respected performer around town. Again, like the other two he was an A1+ musician. As we speak, he's not having any luck finding a new place after being told his lease won't be renewed.
Now, lets look at M. M has been in Key West for at least forty years. I believe she's been playing music that whole time. She posted a reply to a post regarding the housing situation saying she's been looking for a place to live since November, That's insane! She's been a pillar of the community for over four decades. The fact that she hasn't been able to find a place for five months is an embarrassment for the City of Key West.
Then we have D. She posted yesterday that her last gig is tonight, as she is leaving the island. That's as much as I know, so I can't say if it's because her lease is not being renewed? The scenario fits, but again, I can't say. When I first moved here fourteen years ago, she and her musical partner ran an open mic over at The Hogfish, on Stock Island. After that they did it at the Rum Barrel. All the while the two of them were playing everywhere around town. They've been musical stalwarts of the Key West community.
Are there more? No doubt. These are ones that I happened to come across. These are people I know. It's funny, often I'll be talking to a patron at a gig and they'll say "well you of course know So and So! Well I saw them play last night at ..." and I'll say, "I'm sorry, I don't know So and So" They look surprised. I then explain that while I'm playing at Rick's, they might be playing at another venue. Point being here, that there's a lot of musicians around town that I don't know. Chances are, there are many more musicians facing the housing dilemma as the aforementioned are.
I mention musicians. Somehow I seriously doubt that this situation is restricted to musicians.
Speaking frankly, I haven't followed the housing situation until recently. I do recall years ago Key West had a "No AirB&B" policy. Obviously, that has fallen by the wayside. How did that happen? I don't know, but you just read the results of it. Below is a chart which shows the amount of available monthly tourist rentals.
What we are seeing is an invasion on Key West's culture and traditions. It's an infestation chewing away on the community values that this town in anchored on. When we see top performers having to make arrangements to leave and move away, we have a very, very serious problem.
A government's #1 job is to protect it's citizens.
What the hell happened here?
This is an embarrassment of the highest order.
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