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Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Big C


What follows here is something that I've kept under wraps for the last six months. I didn't want to say anything about it by design. I waited until this point where I have a solid, if not 100% idea, of what's happening. Thanks for your love,  interest, and concern!

Back in late October I had something going on in my digestive system that just wasn't right. I went to see my primary physician, Dr.Wagstaff. He examined me and set me up for an MRI at Key West Urgent Care. When the results came back the outlook was not particularly encouraging.

There was a growth on the end of my colon and I was set up with a surgery date with Dr. Flanagan., a surgeon based here in Key West. He felt it would be good if I spent Thanksgiving at home enjoying the holiday and the surgery  would follow the following Monday. I though that was a great idea and thanked him.

Regretfully, my body thought otherwise and I found myself on my knees in pain the Friday after Thanksgiving. Who knew? Dr. Flanagan did the surgery the next day, on Saturday.

This all took place at Lower Keys Medical Center. I'd like to take the opportunity to say that everyone there , as well as everyone involved from the beginning when this all started, Dr. Wagstaff, Dr Flanagan, their staffs, and the Lower Keys Medical Center were first rate, top  notch. Through out, they took great care of me, so thank you to all!!!

I was in the hospital until Wednesday. The results came back from the biopsy on what they cut out of my colon. Cancer was the diagnosis. On the flip side, my colon was now cancer free (Thank you Dr. Flanagan!)!  In addition, there were two cancerous lesions on my liver. They also said there was another lesion on my kidney, however, regarding the kidney, none of the doctors seemed all that concerned about. Neither the lesions on my kidney or my liver were focussed on at this point. They wanted a  cancer specialist doctor involved.

When I was released from the hospital the following Wednesday, I jumped right back into the driver's seat. The doctors told me I could play, but not to lift anything over ten pounds. Fortunately, Dani was accustomed to lifting the equipment. In addition, we have an 8 year old Bose L1, that kicks butt, sounds fabulous, and weighs only 35 lbs!

So, everything was pretty much back to normal! We were back to being a duo at all of our Shanty Hounds gigs.

A week and a half later we were playing a sunset sail gig and it was at the closing stages. All if the songs at this point were upbeat and pedal to the metal. Well, when we got to the dock, I was having chest pains. After an ambulance got me to the hospital, they determined that I was having a hart attack. Later, I found this was not the case, however at the moment it wasn't up for debate. They were taking the safe route, which I appreciate.

 I told Dani I loved her with all my heart and I always would love her. I made a quick document stating that all my earthly belongings were hers, then they gave me an injection that I had to sign for which thinned my blood. They threw my ass on a helicopter, which I bled all over, and flew me to Mt. Sinai,  in Miami Beach. Seriously, I wasn't sure if I'd make it? About 3/4 of the way there the pain in my chest was gone, thanks to blood thinner. At that point I knew I'd live to see the morning sunrise. Before that, I had my doubts and I was praying for Dani, in the event it was my final voyage.

While on that flight, wondering if I'd make it, I began to think about my friends and family. I realized that I've had the most fortunate life that I could ever ask for!

I was adopted at birth by my parents, Robert and Lillian Rehm, plus, that came with an older sister too, Patty! This was the most wonderful family I could ever ask for! My parents were nothing short of amazing! Patty, five years my senior, introduced me to all kinds of incredible music and while she wasn't a musician, that love of music she instilled in me, was motivation for me to learn how to play the guitar. This was facilitated by my cousin Bryan Granelli, who lived a couple of houses away and gave me my first guitar on a whim, and taught me my first chords, A, E, C, and D. Thank you Bryan, thank you Patty! Thank you Mom and Dad!

Then there are my friends! From day one I have been blessed with the finest friends, in all stages of my life! How did I get this? I haven't a clue, however, I'm so grateful!

My friend Vintz and I go back to the playpen. Of my close group of friends that I had growing up, from 0 - 20 years old, I could call any one of them right now... and there are a couple of them I haven't talked to in 40 years, but our conversation would be like we talked yesterday. My childhood friend, Tim Garrity, spent a week visiting in February. I've known Tim since I was two. My friend since 4th grade, Kerry "Gonzo" Dwyer and I chat via text several times a week. He had a band that I joined in 8th grade. the first band I was in! 

My friends from when I lived in Miami and in the music scene there, which I stumbled into totally by chance, are as close to me as my friends growing up! My friends Bruce and Gloria Turkel actually drove me home from Miami twice, on issues that left me stranded in Miami!

The same is true with the totally incredible friends I've met here in Key West over my fifteen years here. Many live here, many vacation here. Like my friends growing up, and like my friends from Miami, all of these people are the absolute most amazing, loving, giving people one could only dream about having in their lives and to have them in my life is an honor, beyond belief. I love them all! 

I've been married twice.  My first wife, Mercy and I are on excellent terms! We've talked about it more than once and regardless that we're no longer married, we both consider ourselves family. I haven't seen her since the early 90's, but it would be great to see her again and meet her husband, who seems like a great guy.

My second wife, Gigi, lives in Colorado and we get along fine.

Dani Hoy and I are not married, but we might as well be. She is nothing short of amazing! Not only do we share our personal life together, but we also share our professional careers together. We've been doing it for nine years, so somehow it works out! I've been told that what we're doing is impossible, but what the heck? We're doing it!

I'm never hesitant on saying "I love Dani Hoy!".

Again, I've been so fortunate!!! 

The one I guess I really have to thank is my birth mother. I've learned a good deal about her in the last few years. Let's just say that life with her would have been akin to being in a crashing car going 120 mph without seatbelts. Thank you Theresa Hanley for giving me this incredible life that I have!

 So, health wise, December was a regroup month, at least part of it. I started back playing  music in early December, having been out of action for a week.

Seriously, I don't have time for this health shit. I have too much to do!

I play music, write books, write songs (I'm currently published  not with one but with two different music publishers, one in Nashville abs the other in London, England.) Plus, I'm playing over 300 gigs a year.

Like I say, I don't have time to deal with this. I have other work to do and it's work I'm passionate about!

On the flip side, like it or not, I have to deal with it.

In January I started Chemo therapy as Genesis here in Key West. My doctor there is Dr. Sas, whom I am very comfortable with and the staff there are all fabulous!

On Chemo,  you can't drink anything cold. It actually hurts! You also can't pick up anything cold. Same as drinking something cold. Forget beer, or rum, or anything alcohol. I've been told that you can get really sick if you mix the two. I have enough issues without complicating things further by getting sick. Additionally, I'm very fortunate regarding alcohol. Over the years I've drunk more than my share. I'm actually an authority on beer and have been for over forty years, both in books and the pallet. 

I also have hosted a beer video blog. However, with all that behind me, I've never been dependent on alcohol. I would stop whenever I wanted without any adverse reaction, or any craving. So when they told me I couldn't drink, it was not an issue at all. My chemo would start on a Monday at the clinic and run for about  two to three hours. When I left, they hooked me up with a pump that went under my shirt and I'd have that for 48 hours. For the next week and a half, I was not receiving any chemo, though it stayed in my system. During my time "off" they told me I could have a beer once every other day. Between the beginning of January and the end of March, I think I had two beers.

As I mentioned, chemo has odd effects on one's taste buds. I did find it interesting that that alcohol in general, be it beer, wine, or spirits, had no attraction for me whatsoever while I was on chemo.

I was taken off chemo at the beginning of March, having done 6 or 7 treatments, as they wanted me to possibly have another surgery. At that point, the chief surgeon at Mt. Sinai, Dr. Hochwald,  said that they would do another MRI and either "cut them out, or burn them out" I was good with either and I liked Dr. Hochwald from the start. 

I had the appointment last Wednesday up at Mt. Sinai for the MRI. It went without incident. 

This was followed up a couple of hours later with a consultation with Dr. Hochwald.

"We don't see anything there. The Chemo seems to have done what we wanted" Stated Dr. Hochwald.

The cancer is gone. However, that doesn't mean it won't come back, in due time. The doctors will all compare notes and come up with a plan. It may be surgery, it may be more chemo, it may be both, it could also be getting checked every few months. We'll see what they determine is the best route to follow. 

Whatever they suggest, I'm good with.

As far as The Shanty Hounds go, we were "The Walking Wounded". Dani had her shoulder and neck issues, which she had surgery for, while I had the aforementioned complications. But damnit, we got everything done! All worked out quite well. When I was laid up, Dani was there to cover me, and while Dani was down, I was able to cover the gigs. We have a lot to be thankful for! It was nose to the grindstone, so to speak. However, while I say "Nose to the grindstone", what we do isn't really work, is it? We, literally "play" for a living. 

Next week I'll hear from the doctors and see what the next move will be. I'll post that as a comment here on the blog. If you'd like a notification, the blog should inform you when I reply, providing you are subscribed.

Meanwhile, I'll continue writing music, writing books, being published musically in Nashville and London U.K.

Thank you all for your love and support!


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"Time Traveler - The Oddities and Adventures of a Key West Bartender". The first of the series! 

Follow Mark Straight's continuing journey and friendships from current Key West, back to historical Key West and elsewhere!

 Order paperback or download here! Paperback comes with a free download!

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Also! My latest music release, "Trimaran" is now available through Amazon at only: 


for the download!

"Time Traveler II - The Further Adventures of a Time Traveling Key West Bartender"

This book picks up where "Time Traveler The Oddities and Adventures of a Key West Bartender" leaves off!

Available at Amazon!

"BAR STORIES - A semi-fictional adventure-tour as witnessed from a bar stool"

Individual stories of things I've seen in bars over the years which are noteworthy... and in most cases, humorous! Read about The Jack Daniels Floor Cocktail, or Bar Cherry, or Kamikaze, The Cox That Rocks, Only In Key West... the list goes on!

Time Traveler III Excursion! The latest in the series! Fun to read as either a first time reader to the series, or a seasoned reader of the series!


                   Available on Amazon! 21 Five-Star ratings! =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1522339781&sr=8-1&keywords=bar+stories

All The Best From Key West! Released in December, 2019, to rave reviews! 

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Sleeping Bag Studios

Indie Band Guru

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