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Monday, July 20, 2020

Bill Brehm a man with vision voted in, but terminated by the PHIP Board of Directors, WTH???

Last year Bill Brehm was running for president of PHIP (Parrot Heads In Paradise) which host the annual MOTM event here in Key West, at the Casa Marina. He and I started a dialog back then. We had a good deal in common, starting with our last names. Boiling it down, we have the same last name, however Bill's has a B in the beginning. HA HA! The funny thing here is that we both use the original German pronunciations. Like the US, Germany has different accents for different areas. Bill's family originated in the Berlin area where his name is pronounced “Braym” Where my family is from the Munich area and is pronounced Reem”. We started off with that in common.

I had put out a blog after 2018's MOTM event which was focused on how the independent events outside the Casa Marina had been growing, and growing, year after year.

Bill was kind enough to share his thoughts with me on what he envisioned MOTM could be like. To put it candidly, his ideas were fabulous! Bill saw MOTM reaching outside just the Casa Marina as well He wanted to incorporate new The Coffee Butler Amphitheater, as well as working hand-in-hand with the independent acts about town. Bill also had very progressive ideas on what to to with the events at The Casa Marina. I was flattered that he asked if I could assist, as I live here. Of course I said yes!

Bill also recognized the need to add new members to the fold. Over the last five or six years, I had that same vision for the genre and held events to promote it with radio broadcasts from multiple stations working together during MOTM. Finding out that I was on the same page as Bill was all very encouraging to hear!

In general, the word on the street was the majority of fans were looking for new things at MOTM, however what they were getting was the same basic program every year. Again, Bill had all sorts of new, progressive ideas that would not only stimulate the events themselves, but also draw in new fans!

Facebook was blowing up with enthusiasm for Bill and sure enough, when the elections happened, Bill was voted in!

In our conversations after he had been elected, he continued to be looking forward, but after the first few weeks, it was clear that The Board of Directors basically saw him only as a figurehead. They had no intention of giving him any say in anything they were doing. They're intention was to basically continue as though nothing ever happened and there was no president that was ever voted in. They didn't want change.

In 2019 MOTM's attendance was said to be down. Some said 25% some said 33%. One can only speculate as to why? What happened to that 25% - 33%? Where did they go? What has PHIP done to increase it's fan/attendance?

The bottom line is that from the get-go, the PHIP Board of Directors had no intention of giving Bill Brehm any leeway on anything that was not the status quot, regardless of the fact that he had been voted in because the fans wanted something more progressive and new.

Regretfully, the PHIP Board of Directors are like little biddies on a hick-town clique. Votes mean nothing. They fired Bill over the weekend.

Here, PHIP was given via the fans votes, a young, energetic visionary on a golden platter with Bill Brehm, who had all kinds of fabulous, progressive ideas..... and they threw it all away.

MOTM Blog from November 13, 2018


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  1. Lots and lots of people are very upset about this. Looking forward to see what happens.

  2. It is a terrible situation!! Bill is a good man with great ideas! The remaining PHIP must be accountable! Stop hiding behind the curtain!

  3. A travesty, Bill is a great leader with vision. I predict after this happening MOTM attendance will be down even more!

  4. That is sad. New and improved is worth a shot...

  5. Makes we wonder if they are trying to cover something up.

  6. Being from the Chicago Parrot Head Club I definitely have a little bias with this issue. After reading the PHIP By-Laws, it states there needs to be just cause for removal of an officer. I'm paraphrasing here but the PHIP Leadership email that announced Billy's removal basically boils down to... "you're new and you're rocking the boat with your different ideas and you're not apologizing for stepping on our toes and we don't like that so you need to leave"! Since when does having differing opinions give "just cause" for removal?

    The PHIP board needs to explain their actions and provide the specifics that resulted in the ousting of Billy as the PHIP president (who was elected in a general election by all the clubs). This action is also somewhat suspect with upcoming PHIP elections on the horizon.

  7. Bill Brehm was trying to take PHIP and MOTM into the 21st century. The remaining board members are content to sit on their asses and live in the 20th century. I think that, not only will this action be a fatal blow to MOTM, but will also have a very negative effect on PHIP in general.
